Sunday 18 November 2012


A Highland miss, with a temperament to rival the wildcats that roam there and topped with a tangle of truly unruly hair.

Her mother, pleaded and cajoled to be allowed to tame that matted birds nest of a mane, but to no avail.

Flossie would run and hide in the bracken and fields and after her wriggling and rolling through heather and bog she'd return home, filthy and stinking.

 One particularly windy day, she had crawled right into a dense hedgerow and no amount of tugging could loosen the entanglement of thorn, twig and knotted hair.

Unable to free herself she remained. It was a twilight sometime later, that the cold and nimble fingers of the Ghastly Governessa, worked dilligently to claim this wild locked child, for her brood beneath the old twisted willow.


mickey the wicked said...

Wow... how beautiful! Excellent post.

Ana M.F. said...

It's a beautiful creature ♥

JJ said...

Is Flossie your first redhead? She's impressive. I think she might escape.

Charlotte said...

I love the finish you give to the surface skin of your waifs and strays. Have to say I am with Flossie, escape into the wild if very appealing.

Anthropomorphica said...

Thank you Mickey and Ana :)

The Unicorn Child was my first of the red heads with madam Flossie coming in second. She has escaped indeed, right over the sea in fact!

Thank you Charlotte, it's a vegetable pigment. Me too, the moors and woods call ;)