Wednesday 5 January 2011

All A Quandary

The Stolen Ones are still becoming, footfall by tiny footfall. 

They slip in and out of Shadow, bristling, cowering, wailing, at times defiant of the quiet despair that creeps. 

Change is often a slow and painful process but horns and wing tips appear,

hither and thither.

The Ghastly Governessa casts her haughty glance, always disapproving with a tut here and there.
So  I leave her, barefaced,

with a stick up her bottom.

As I tame unruly fibres and construct skirts of bones,

Gertrude tweeks her tricorn and sighs, for as yet her story is untold.

But all the while owls swoop and the wild woods call.


Nicomi Nix Turner said...

Oooh Governessa is enchanting!

Anthropomorphica said...

Just wait until she gets her skirt on...

Kat_RN said...

It will be worth the wait. Your unique style always makes me smile.

JJ said...

There's me thinking 'gosh, this is creepy,' and then we have a stick up somebody's bottom! But then we go dark and mysterious again. Melanie, dear, I do believe you're a true pagan.

Kaerie Faerie said...

Happy new year
love the pics
thanks for sharing

Kailee said...

You are FAB!!

Shayna said...

You, my dearest Melanie, are ever so brilliant and completely a source of splendid inspiration ... thank you! Happiest of New Year to you! Love, Shayna

Signe said...

Love 'The Stolen Ones' in their little glass houses! Brilliant!

Have a lovely Thursday :)

brandi said...

~there truly is no one like you...i am always in awe of your little ones you create...governessa is going to be a beautiful delight to ones eyes...i will be waiting for her story to be told...much love light and blessings be with you always~

Evelyn's Wonderland said...

How lovely are the stolen ones with their tiny eyes and little horns peeking through the glass, awaiting there fate...
How I cannot wait to see the Governessa adorn her skirt of bones and Gertrude my dear one, I patiently await for your tales to be told...

BIKY said...

i cant wait i love your dolls !!

happy new year

Anthropomorphica said...

What a wonderful day to open this page and see all of these comments! Heartfelt thanks to each and everyone of you, I'm really touched that you enjoy the wee folk that swoop through my dusty corridors on their ragwort stems and the irreverential nonsense that accompanies them ;)

illustration poetry said...

oohhhh no, i thank YOU, Dear!!! :))
glad you liked the clip, dunno why i just knew you would like it.
you are as lovely as those dolls you make.

hope you've been well!


harem6 said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR, dearest Melanie!!! We wish you a new year full of joy,love and hope!!!

naomuack said...

i love your world !!!!

Anthropomorphica said...

Wonderful Lakhsmita!!
A very merry 2011 to you too Ildiko and Flavia!
Thank you naomuack and welcome ;)

Róisín said...

"The Ghastly Governessa casts her haughty glance, always disapproving with a tut here and there.So I leave her, barefaced...with a stick up her bottom."

That had me laughing out loud! Aw missus, I've probably said this tons of times before but you write the best posts EVER! And your photos are always amazing too. *Tisk* Some people just get all the talent!

Anthropomorphica said...

Tee hee, Róisín I'm glad you enjoy the irreverence ;) But now the pressure's on, bugger!