Wednesday 7 May 2014

Of Letters, Postcards and Shrouds

Tales Told and bound

Postcards sealed and ready to be posted

What once peeked from walls now adorns the wrappings of both postcards and letter

A fragile doll shrouded and awaiting her journey of four wheels and wings

Gilded lavender and a tale penned

A silvered crow feather sits above ferns and sealing wax

A new journey begins...



Papillon Bleu said...

I have scrolles down on your blog.
Sorry I have missed so many lovely posts.
I have to confess that I haven't read everything yet as my eyes are stinging a little bit after work. But I can totally immerse myself so easily in your pictures.
Your my mind, they DO move.
They are real.
An absolute delight.
Patricia. xxx

JJ said...

These are exquisite, Mel, and I don't use superlatives lightly. Truly lovely - such care, imagination and an eye for natural beauty. These must come from your contessa side, and not the raggle-taggle gypsy.

Tammie Lee said...

such lucky friends you have to receive such soulful and artful gifts and letters! Each is so beautiful.

Anthropomorphica said...

Thank you Patricia, it's lovely to be visited at all!

Aah, Jeff I'd almost forgotten about the contessa, though she does sometimes have her way as she looks askance at my unbrushed hair...

Thanks Tammie, the letters head off to accompany the dolls adopted. The Ghastly Governessa (or perhaps the contessa) is very particular about how they present themselves.