Thursday 25 April 2013

The Sheep Sisters

Walking through the woods, elder scolding the younger, who after stamping her feet becomes distracted by a glade of bluebells and off she scampers.

The elder knows well not to leave the path for wild teeth and claws live amongst the rocks and roots so she calls and bleats for her wayward siblings return. However, little sister is having so much fun dancing and picking flowers, that even her cautious elder sister finds she silences her own counsel, tucks it behind a plump pillow far away from her ears and joins her.

 After much merry making they sit down to picnic and rest awhile but soon the sun drops behind the trees and in the air grows a chill. They decide to head back to the path but in the fading light mistake one trail for another, the one that will lead them further and further into the woods.

Our dear elder starts to fret as unfamiliar scents close in around her nose and throat, they are lost and as night draws near, they have no choice but to find a spot to rest until daybreak...

Knowing more of the world than her rambunctious sprite of a sister, she admits to herself that this does not bode well and so she peers warily through the trees but can see nothing beyond the brambles that line their path.

 The younger wrinkles her nose at a strange breeze and skips on.

Two yellow eyes, as yet unseen, fix on the sisters...

The Governessa collects their tiny bones and sings her melancholy song until at last she finds these two lost souls and secretes them safely away under the roots of the old willow.


Charlotte said...

Love it, I am about to start writing about singing to bones.

Deborah Darling said...

Oh me, Oh my, I want to buy all your little lovelies !! xXx

Anthropomorphica said...

Oh Charlotte, singing to bones, what a wonderful tale for sure. I loved you telling of the Skeleton Woman.

:) Thank you Deborah xxx

Il Mondo di Aracne said...

Very nice, as always. I love the concept behind your dolls.

Debbie said...

What a sad story, I feel quite upset

Anthropomorphica said...

Thank you Aracne :)

Oh no, sorry Debbie...x

JJ said...

Well I think it's about time your little folk started going to bed at a sensible hour and saying their prayers before they go to sleep. But then, I suppose even bedrooms have dark corners.

Anthropomorphica said...

Prayers won't save them Jeff...;)
You can never have too many dark corners in an odd shaped room.

healthy life said...

Great Blog !!

MoreThanHorror said...

These are beautiful dolls. Where can i purchase them? Are they for sale?-Maybe i just haven't looked around enough. -Thanks again for sharing all this.