Friday 1 February 2013

The Adventures Of Millpond Mildred

On we go to our dear Millpond Mildred's latest adventure, she has landed somewhat on her feet by being taken in by a delightful witch from Louisiana, as you can imagine there is swamp galore for this little water rat, so all's well that ends well. Although I know you don't believe that sentiment coming from me, ahem. Anyway marching on, Mildred has also been seen in the rather wonderfully glossy pages of Art Doll Quarterly magazine, out today actually! So here I reveal her  to you in all her fame and glory, do hope it doesn't go to her head...


Mandy said...

Congrats! I got my issue a week or so ago and saw her lovely picture!

Rhissanna said...

And congratulations to dear Mildred ending up in Louisiana. I'm very happy for her.

JJ said...

My congratulations too, Mel. I hope it's the start of big things.

Anthropomorphica said...

Thank you kindly you lovely lot!

Il Mondo di Aracne said...

Lovely! Keep going!
