Tuesday 14 July 2009

Welcome to my world...

I’ve just started on my doll making journey, having tinkered with needle felted creatures I was finally inspired to run out and buy a pack of paper clay by the wonderful, ethereal and spirit-ful creations of Blackeyedsuzie. I spent hours devouring her blog, seeing how she has grown as an artist and feeding my imagination with possibilities.
I've always loved fairy tales, mythical creatures and the "unseen"energies that surround and permeate us. I hope to capture some of the magical possibilities that are second nature to us as children in my dolls. 
Here’s a post of my first paper clay headed doll Eduardo, a sensitive, slightly nervous soul who you may find peering through the bracken in moonlit woods.
He’s  a work in progress but you’ll get the gist. 


Flora said...

What a FABULOUS start to your doll making journey!!!

www.FeltedChicken.com said...

I found you on the Felting Team Blog. Your dolls are very elegant with a pinch of creep! Great combination! I love needle-felting, & there is so much you can do with it!

Chrissy P.

Anthropomorphica said...

Hi Flora and Chrissy, thanks for your encouraging comments :) I'm really glad you like them.

mycuriousteaparty said...

WOW! for a first doll that is amazing, congratulations, where will you go from here......?
